24/7 Emergency Service

History of Fenflow Limited

You may have known us by our former names of  Brittannia, Crane, IMI and more recently Shoebridge Engineering Limited from 2002, we moved from our previous site at Cradge Bank to our purpose built workshop here at Kellet Gate, Spalding in 2006. The name changed to Fenflow Ltd in 2017 and  the General Manager Lee Oliver became the owner and director in 2020.

Over the years Fenflow Ltd has developed an experienced and skilled team dedicated to offering a total engineering service package, ensuring that our customers receive the highest service level, quality and professional service from initial enquiry to completion, maintaining the flow of operations throughout the UK. 

Our history

How can we help?

We would be delighted to discuss any requirements that you may have and provide you with a quotation for our services.

Contact Us

Kellett Gate, Spalding, Lincs, PE12 6EH

Contact Form